flow applied resin flooring example on warehouse floor

The UK’s leading resin flooring specialist

Chemical Resistant Floors for UK Businesses

Regardless of what industry you work in, there’s a high chance that you use chemicals each and every day at work. This is the case for a lot of industrial businesses and it’s hard to avoid. Whether you use them as part of your industrial processes or they are created as a byproduct, you will need a floor that can withstand damage. This is where chemical resistant flooring comes in. By opting for a chemical resistant floor, you are giving your workplace the best chance of avoiding damage.


Should You Choose a Chemical Resistant Floor?

Any business that uses chemicals or hazardous materials should consider a chemical resistant floor. Whereas standard industrial flooring solutions aren’t always able to withstand the damage that chemicals can cause, chemical resistant flooring can. This means that the flooring is less likely to become damaged if a leak or spill were to occur. Not only does this help to keep the working environment safe, but it also reduces the chances of you needing to pay for costly repairs. Plus, it prevents chemicals from seeping through your industrial flooring and causing more problems.

As there are a wide range of chemicals used in industrial environments, it’s vital that we create a bespoke chemical floor with your business in mind. This allows us to ensure that the floor will be resistant to the exact chemicals that it’s likely to come into contact with. For example, businesses that uses strong acids will need a floor that can withstand these acid spills. Similarly, businesses that use chlorine will need a floor that can withstand chlorine specifically. When you choose Impact Flooring for your chemical resistant floor, you are choosing a team that can create a professional and bespoke solution.


Chemical Resistant Floors at Impact Flooring

At Impact Flooring, we understand that some businesses need their floor to withstand a little bit more than the general wear and tear expected with an industrial environment. If a business is one that frequently uses chemicals or hazardous materials, it’s often best to invest in a chemical resistant floor. Chemical resistant floors are durable, strong and they’re able to withstand even the strongest of chemicals. If you need a chemical resistant floor, Impact Flooring are on hand to help. To find out more about chemical resistant flooring for your UK business or any of our other services, get in touch. Contact us today on 0247 648 7212 or via the online contact form.

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