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How to Tell if it’s Time to Replace Your Industrial Flooring
There’s no question that your employee’s performance is more easily optimised when the environment they work in is well-ordered and clean. The condition of industrial flooring is an important overall aspect of this.
The majority of industrial floors start to show signs of wear on account of high traffic volumes that occur in specific areas. But when is the time to stop making consecutive repairs in these areas in favour of completely replacing the flooring?
When is the Right Time to Replace Your Industrial Flooring?
If you decide to replace your entire industrial flooring and if it’s too soon to do so, you’ll be making an investment that would be better made elsewhere. On the other hand, if you don’t replace the flooring soon enough, any current damage can place your employees in danger.
So, when is the right time to replace your industrial flooring?
Industrial Flooring That’s Damaged
You need to assess the frequency of the repairs being made. Exactly how long do these repairs last before it’s necessary to redo them? How much are the repairs costing?
There are various costs in making flooring repairs: disruption to ongoing business, having to close shop for a period, and asking employees to do overtime at a later date.
Health and Safety
Your flooring should never become a trip hazard. Nor should it be an ‘overturning’ risk for vehicles such as forklifts. If your staff is complaining, there’s every chance that expansive areas are damaged to a sufficient degree that the entire floor needs to be replaced.
A generalised rule applies here: any difference in floor level that is more than 3mm in depth can be a hazard. Rather than levelling out, it’s better to replace entirely.
Over a long time, the anti-slip properties of an industrial floor can dissipate. If you notice some areas of the floor have become very smooth, there’s every chance this signifies the time for a replacement.
At one time factories by and large were grimy, dark, unpleasant environments. Besides the responsibility a business has in providing a clean and safe environment for its workforce, it’s likely a frequent event that customers visit to make checks, discuss potential improvements and various other reasons.
It’s critical to create a good impression. If your factory is clean, it’s safe, and it’s nicely organised, you can be assured that this provides your customers with confidence in your level of service.
Hard-wearing, attractive, anti-slip, anti-fatigue flooring that integrates zones that are clearly defined for pedestrians and vehicles helps to generate confidence in your customers (not to mention your staff).
Whether it’s Industrial Flooring in Leicester or a cosy café, the right flooring can make a significant difference. Different environments, such as changing rooms, supermarkets, butcheries, museums, and breweries, each have their unique requirements, and the right flooring solution is crucial. For instance, a butchery would benefit from flooring that is easy to clean and maintain due to the nature of its operations, while a museum might prioritise aesthetics and durability to preserve the artefacts and accommodate foot traffic. Polyurethane floor coating is often a preferred choice for its resilience and protective qualities, ensuring longevity regardless of the setting.
Impact Flooring has the perfect flooring solution for you. To find out how we can help, please get in touch, and one of our friendly, professional team members will be happy to assist you.